by Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-10-29 | The 9 things you must do to achieve your goals
3. Minimize other types of distractions. Your desk might look like a Pinterest lover’s pristine dream, but if you fail to eliminate other distractions, your minimalist workspace will do you little good. Find ways to shut out family members (except for in an...
by Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-10-29 | The 9 things you must do to achieve your goals
2. Keep a clean workplace. Clutter doesn’t just physically get in the way, it’s scientifically proven to distract you. Think of it not only as a physical mess, but a mental one. Extra objects on your desk compete for your attention, and your brain must constantly...
by Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-10-29 | The 9 things you must do to achieve your goals
The 9 things you must do to achieve your goals. Make a list In order to achieve your goals, first you’ll have to determine exactly what they are. Don’t let this process overwhelm you — rely on instinct. Set a timer for three minutes and get all of your goals down on...
by Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-01-23 | Export and import
Temporary importation ‘Temporary importation´ refers to the importation of goods to the EU for a limited time for later re-export in an unaltered state. When using temporary importation, you can get relief from customs duties and VAT when importing. In some cases, you...
by Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-01-23 | Export and import
VAT on imports Businesses generally report import VAT to the Swedish Tax Agency. However, businesses not registered for VAT in Sweden pay the import VAT to Swedish Customs. Swedish Customs also charge VAT on all goods imported for private use, whether or not the...