9. Results Oriented Prime Their Subconscious Minds To Visualize Their Results
Results oriented know that their subconscious minds steer their conscious actions and work to relentlessly ensure they aren’t letting their limited belief systems or past conditioning hold them back.
The results oriented know how easy it is to sabotage one’s self. It’s the main cause of human strife, so they focus hard on this task.
Constantly checking their belief systems and catching themselves as they take action.
Like just today, as I put together a training video, I caught myself expecting a low level version video because it’s the first video I’m putting together. I was literally limiting my capacity for no reason. When even while I’ve never done a video before, it’s easy to learn video editing with all the tools out there and my first version can and should be world class.
Obviously I know there will be iteration and improvement, but this is a process that will happen either way.
However, there’s no reason that even on this first try I can’t expect to produce a best in class training video