F-tax and VAT registration (application)
F-tax and VAT registration (application)If you wish to start a limited company, trading...
Get started
Get startedSole traderAs a sole trader (self-employed) you run and are responsible for the...
Business registration and tax
Business registration and taxAll forms of business enterprise except for sole traders have to...
Practical and Effective Leadership Tips
Practical and Effective Leadership TipsLead By ExampelShowing your employees how to do something...
Our most popular leadership tips
Uncover your blind spots. Leaders are often the last people to know what’s going on. Knowing that...
Leadership tips to improve your skills
Leadership tips to improve your skillsGet inspired True motivation is inside oneself. Find what it...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Understand yourself. Try to do everything to notice the impact you have on others. If you reach...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Don’t put labels on people. If you want to be an effective leader, you will have to lose the...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Remember that you are young. You have some time to build a wonderful career, and remember to have...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Be sympathetic. Although you have to be tough, you should also understand that we are all human...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Stay curious. “Millions saw the apple fall, but only Newton asked why.” Curiosity is one of the...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Earn respect. Earning respect is easy—all you have to do is conduct yourself in an ethical way and...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Be fair. Although it is an obvious statement, many leaders and managers tend to pick their...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Stay organized. Your desk should be clean and your orders should be easy to understand. You should...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Set an example. Be the kind of leader you would follow yourself. You may not know every task 100...