All services for your company, newly started or well established

Commitment makes a difference

Our Services

Hållbar Affärutveckling

Hållbar Affärutveckling

Hållbarhet på riktigt. Idag måste alla prioritera hållbarhetsfrågorna för att vara relevanta i vårt samhälle. Vi hjälper dig med hållbarhetsfrågor som Agenda 2030, TCFD, sustainable finance, antikorruption, CSR, hållbarhetsredovisningar med mera.

Business Law

Business Law

We offer qualified legal business advice with access to specialist expertise. The focus is on being a fast-paced and flexible legal partner with the ability to understand and solve our clients business challanges.Company Law & Restructuring LegalM&A...



An independent audit gives you security and a greater understanding of your business. We offer you a modern and digitized audit that will help you make the right business decision.Financial Audit Audit in financial reportingSustainability Reporting To contribute to a...

About Us

Revisionskonsulterna J Hägglund is characterized by competence, quality and development




Number of countries we participate in


Coffee cups so far this year


Years of experience



COVID-19-situation Revisionskonsulterna J Hägglund AB kommer vara fortsatt fullt tillgängliga trots...

Who is an Entrepreneur? Tip 2

Who is an Entrepreneur? Tip 2

If you choose to learn more about a particular venture by working for another organization, be aware of...

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