Lönen som utdelningsunderlag
Lönen som utdelningsunderlagHar du anställda i bolaget kan utdelningsutrymmet vara betydligt större än schablonen. Det lönebaserade utrymmet uppgår till hälften av den kontanta lönesumman i bolaget. Men för att få tillämpa denna regel krävs att du tar ut en viss...
Lågbeskattad utdelning
Lågbeskattad utdelning Är du ensam ägare till ditt bolag har du i år möjlighet att ta ut utdelning upp till ett schablonmässigt beräknat tak på 169 125 kr med låg skatt. Äger du flera bolag får du dock använda dig av denna schablon för endast ett av bolagen. Är ni...
Bilda eller köpa aktiebolag
Bilda eller köpa aktiebolagEn av fördelarna med att arbeta i eget aktiebolag är att du kan ta ut utdelning från bolaget med låg skatt. Sådan utdelning beskattas under vissa förutsättningar med endast 20 procents kapitalskatt. Bolaget måste dock först betala 22 procent...
Enskild firma
Enskild firmaHar du planer på att bli företagare kan ett alternativ vara att testa företagsidén i en enskild firma. Går firman bra är det enkelt att ombilda den till ett aktiebolag. Håller inte affärsidén blir det i regel ett underskott. 70 procent av ett sådant...
Trading partnerships
Trading partnershipsRegistration of trading partnerships with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.Information about the corporate formTrading partnerships are operated by one or more partners or associates. Partners can be natural or legal persons. In a trading...
F-tax and VAT registration (application)
F-tax and VAT registration (application)If you wish to start a limited company, trading partnership, limited partnership or co-operative/economic association, you must register the activity with the Swedish Companies Registration Office before you can apply for F-tax....
Get started
Get startedSole traderAs a sole trader (self-employed) you run and are responsible for the business as a private person. No starting capital is required for sole traders. You need to register your business with the Swedish Tax Agency. You may also, but do...
Business registration and tax
Business registration and taxAll forms of business enterprise except for sole traders have to be registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office before starting to operate. As a sole trader, you can choose just to register for tax with the Swedish Tax...
Practical and Effective Leadership Tips
Practical and Effective Leadership TipsLead By ExampelShowing your employees how to do something is more important than just telling them. If you want your staff to be punctual, then you must also be punctual or early. If you prioritize professionalism then dress for...
Our most popular leadership tips
Uncover your blind spots. Leaders are often the last people to know what’s going on. Knowing that you have blind spots — and how to see past them — is an important step in uncovering employee disengagement.
Leadership tips to improve your skills
Leadership tips to improve your skillsGet inspired True motivation is inside oneself. Find what it is that inspires you, visualize your goals. If we are not motivated, we won’t be able to lead our team.Think of the restCare about people, make them know you count on...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Understand yourself. Try to do everything to notice the impact you have on others. If you reach the point when self-awareness is your strength, it means you are ready to go on a long-term leadership journey.
To become a successful leader, you must:
Don’t put labels on people. If you want to be an effective leader, you will have to lose the practice of assigning labels to others and especially to yourself. This includes the label of being a leader. Who knows when your role may be revoked, especially if you work...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Remember that you are young. You have some time to build a wonderful career, and remember to have fun and enjoy the moment you are living in. While it is important to be focused on your career, your private life shouldn’t suffer.
To become a successful leader, you must:
Be sympathetic. Although you have to be tough, you should also understand that we are all human beings, and sometimes it won’t hurt you to cut some slack to those that are going through a rough time, such as a painful break-up or loss of a relative.
To become a successful leader, you must:
Stay curious. “Millions saw the apple fall, but only Newton asked why.” Curiosity is one of the main traits of a good leader. Stay passionate, curious, and committed to learning something new.
To become a successful leader, you must:
Earn respect. Earning respect is easy—all you have to do is conduct yourself in an ethical way and model what you expect from the others on your team. Show them you know where you are going, and that you are not only telling your team what to do, but also marching in...
To become a successful leader, you must:
Be fair. Although it is an obvious statement, many leaders and managers tend to pick their favorites. Even if you are close friends with someone on your team, it doesn’t give you the right to be totally permissive to them while throwing most of the work to others.
To become a successful leader, you must:
Stay organized. Your desk should be clean and your orders should be easy to understand. You should know the plan for each day and every week.
To become a successful leader, you must:
Set an example. Be the kind of leader you would follow yourself. You may not know every task 100 percent, but it is essential to understand how to solve or better improve each situation. If you were promoted to become a manager of a marketing department, you have to...