Choosing a Manager

Choosing a Manager

Choosing a ManagerPart 1 The Senior Management in a company chooses employees as managers depending on their reputation in front of their subordinates and the general observation about them. These observations often point towards many of the significant...

Creative Problem Solving

Creative Problem Solving

Creative Problem SolvingPart 1CPS is a proven method for approaching a problem or a challenge in an imaginative and innovative way.It’s a process that helps you redefine the problems and opportunities you face, come up with new, innovative responses and solutions, and...

Blocks to Innovative Ideas

Blocks to Innovative Ideas

Blocks to Innovative Ideas Mental blocks towards creativity can be strategic, value oriented, perceptual and self- confidence related blocks. The real idea must be to facilitate the process of producing ideas. Because of these techniques, new ideas and insights will...



TillväxtviljaFärre småföretag vill växaAndelen småföretag i Sverige som vill växa har minskat från...



TRE AFFÄRSTIPS Sälj tidigt  Det första tipset är att man behöver komma igång med säljet på ett...

7 ledarskapstips

7 ledarskapstips

7 LedarskapstipsBörja ett nytt jobb med att lyssna”Som ny kommer man med förutfattade meningar och...