F-tax and VAT registration (application)

F-tax and VAT registration (application)

F-tax and VAT registration (application)If you wish to start a limited company, trading partnership, limited partnership or co-operative/economic association, you must register the activity with the Swedish Companies Registration Office before you can apply for F-tax....

Get started

Get started

Get startedSole traderAs a sole trader (self-employed) you run and are responsible for the business as a private person. No starting capital is required for sole traders. You need to register your business with the Swedish Tax Agency. You may also, but do...

Business registration and tax

Business registration and tax

Business registration and taxAll forms of business enterprise except for sole traders have to be registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office before starting to operate. As a sole trader, you can choose just to register for tax with the Swedish Tax...

Temporary importation

Temporary importation

Temporary importation‘Temporary importation´ refers to the importation of goods to the EU for a...

VAT on imports

VAT on imports

VAT on importsBusinesses generally report import VAT to the Swedish Tax Agency. However,...

Skaffa digital brevlåda

Skaffa digital brevlåda

Skaffa digital brevlådaSkaffa en digital brevlåda så får du post från myndigheter och andra...

Den digitala utvecklingen

Den digitala utvecklingen

Den digitala utvecklingen Det är många som just nu funderar på det här med ”digitalisering”. Vad...