Who is an Entrepreneur? Tip 1

Who is an Entrepreneur? Tip 1

As an entrepreneur, you also need to be able to navigate the rules and regulations that apply in the country you're working in. These websites will give you a good start with this:·         Australia – Business.gov.au·         Canada – Canada Business Network·        ...

Who is an Entrepreneur? Tip 3

Who is an Entrepreneur? Tip 3

You can improve your people skills further by taking our How Good Are Your People Skills?  self-test.Critical and Creative Thinking SkillsAs an entrepreneur, you also need to come up with fresh ideas, and make good decisions about opportunities and potential...

Who is an Entrepreneur? Tip 4

Who is an Entrepreneur? Tip 4

Interpersonal Skills As a successful entrepreneur, you'll have to work closely with people – this is where it is critical to be able to build great relationships  with your team, customers, suppliers, shareholders, investors, and more.Some people are more gifted in...

Levels of Managers

Levels of Managers

Levels of Managers While there are many and varied titles for managers, the levels are easily...

Choosing a Manager

Choosing a Manager

Choosing a ManagerPart 1 The Senior Management in a company chooses employees as managers...

Creative Problem Solving

Creative Problem Solving

Creative Problem SolvingPart 1CPS is a proven method for approaching a problem or a challenge in...

Hobby eller företag?

Hobby eller företag?

Hobby eller företag?Det kan vara svårt att dra gränsen mellan hobbyverksamhet och...



AffärsplanAffärsplan är en ritning, en karta till hur du på snabbast möjliga sätt ska nå framgång...

Hot och utpressning

Hot och utpressning

Hot och utpressningDet är vanligt att man blir hotad i samband med ett annat brott. Personen som...

Olaga hot – utsatt

Olaga hot – utsatt

Olaga hot - UtsattOlaga hot innebär att någon hotar att skada dig eller din egendom. Hotet som...

Vanliga bluffar

Vanliga bluffar

Vanliga bluffar PresentkortAtt tacka ja till erbjudanden om billiga presentkort på nätet kan bli...