av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | Spartips
Tips på Spara pengar 11-20 11 Baka ditt eget bröd och frys in det. Det sparar du en massa pengar på. 12 Handla i flera livsmedelsbutiker. Ta reda på vilka livsmedel som brukar vara billigast i de olika affärerna och köp dem där de är billigast. 13 Plocka bär och svamp...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | Spartips
Tips på Spara pengar 1-10 1 Gör varannan eller var tredje vecka till en ”snålvecka” då du äter extra billiga livsmedel. Vegetariansk/vegansk mat brukar faktiskt vara mycket billig och dessutom är denna typ av mat snällare mot miljön. 2 Ta med matlåda till jobbet som...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | Så får du bättre ekonomi
Så får du bättre ekonomi, 35 Tips (13-25) Tips 14 Spela ut företagen mot varandra. Prispressa genom att höra dig för och hitta det bästa priset. Tips 15 Ät mer vegetarisk. Om du baserar maträtterna på rotfrukter, grönsaker och baljväxter kan du komma undan riktigt...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | Så får du bättre ekonomi
Så får du bättre ekonomi, 35 Tips. (1-12) Tips 1 Slipp påminnelseavgifter – betala räkningarna i tid. Tips 2 Skippa bilen eller kollektivtrafiken. Hoppa på cykeln ibland eller så ofta som möjligt. Bra både för ekonomin och hälsan. Tips 3 Se över dina abonnemang....
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | Business owners share how they got it right
A growing number of women are starting their own companies. These business owners share how they got it right Take a step-by-step approach...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | Tips for Growing a Successful Business
9 Tips for growing a successful business 1 Get Organized To be successful in business you need to be organized. Organization will help you complete tasks and stay on top of things to be done. A good way to do this is to create a to-do list each day....
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | Business tips for success
Business tips for success Business tip 1: Always strive for innovation An innovative business meets the needs of its clients in a unique way that no one else can master. Nowadays, the word “Google” is synonymous with using a search engine, but Google wasn’t the first...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | Tips for starting a small business
10 Tips for starting a small business 1. Address excuses Countless people dream of becoming entrepreneurs, but they never do. They’re burdened with excuses and fears of failing. From money to time to responsibilities, you can make a million cases for not starting a...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | 11 easy ways to find motivation
11 easy ways to find motivation 11 easy ways to find motivationRelease the little things Most of us could live a quieter and more productive life if we did not annoy ourselves about small things. Often we attach disproportionately weight to small incidents that do not...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | 18 tips on how to find your motivational desire
18 tips on how to find your motivational desire 18 tips on how to find your motivational desire, 1 av 18 Ask yourself; “What am I trying to do with imagining myself believing that I have such a poor self-confidence”? I know, it is a difficult question to...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | Simple money management tips
6 Simple money management tips Tip 1 Create a comprehensive budget – write down how much money you receive from your salary, bonuses, benefits reimbursements and other sources. Compare that to all of your expenses to ensure you have enough money to cover everything...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2019-04-10 | Tips to make sure you have a good first meeting
10 Tips to make sure you have a good first meeting Tip 1 – Know your audience. Even if the client has told you not to prepare anything, they will always expect you to demonstrate that you know a bit about them, their brand, the way they work– and importantly, that...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-12-19 | Tips on leadership
Be confident. Projecting confidence is probably the most difficult characteristic to develop. Some people are naturals when it comes to this, but you can develop a greater sense of self-assurance. Part of this confidence is having faith and feeling secure in yourself...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-12-19 | Tips on leadership
Be courageous and assertive. In many cases, the leader of a team has to venture into new territory, which means they have to face the unknown and take risks or break rules. In order to do this, a leader must be able to speak up about the things that truly matter and...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-12-19 | Tips on leadership
Become a master of communication. Excellent communication skills are necessary to become an effective leader. However, communication is not just about expressing what you want to happen — it’s also about being able to truly listen to others. An effective...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-12-19 | Tips on leadership
Know how to develop a team. One of the primary traits of an effective leader is the ability to develop team members through training, teaching or coaching. The team will not be able to achieve the goals of the organization without this training. An effective leader...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-12-19 | Tips on leadership
Share the glory. We’ve probably all had a boss who took all the credit for the team’s hard work and success, right? This is not an effective leader. An effective leader is one who is team-oriented and more than happy to share the glory and credit for a job...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-12-19 | Tips on leadership
Take responsibility. Instead of pointing fingers and playing the blame game when things go wrong, a good leader takes responsibility for the team’s actions and their consequences. By being willing to take responsibility, you prove that you’re worthy of...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-12-19 | Tips on leadership
Be goal-oriented. Instead of focusing on the problem at hand, an effective leader instead directs attention toward the solution. Instead of worrying and complaining about the issues, they focus on the objectives and then turn their energies toward creating a plan and...
av Jörgen Hägglund | 2018-12-19 | Tips on leadership
Learn to lead by example. At some point in their careers, everyone has had a boss who has asked them to do something they don’t usually do, such as come in early for a meeting, and then the boss was late for it. Having the ”do as I say” attitude...